8 IN ’08


NETWORK, A National Social Justice Lobby
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Pax Christi USA
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Center of Concern
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
National Catholic Rural Life Conference
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
Ignatian Solidarity Network
US Catholic Mission Association
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Oblates of St. Francis De Sales
Franciscan Mission Service
Franciscan Action Network
Catholics United
Catholic Scholars for Worker Justice
Lane Center for Catholic Studies & Social Thought, University of San Francisco

Vote 8 in ’08… Spread the Common Good Pledge to eight friends or family and help spread the word!

    You can also just send your own personal email to your friends and family encouraging them to follow this link – http://www.votethecommongood.com – and sign the platform themselves.

    The email addresses you provide in the box are NOT collected — the email your friends and family receive will appear to be from YOU — and reads as follows:

    Dear Friend:

    I have signed on to the Platform for the Common Good and would like to ask you to join the movement by also signing on. This document represents the work of 2,500 Catholics nationwide. It is essential that we build as much support as possible so that we can pass on our platform to both political parties prior to their conventions in August and September. Please visit http://www.votethecommongood.com to sign, and pass the word on to others.